Test Result

Test Date: 9/27/2016 12:51:50 AM
Original Url: http://moiptvus-lh.akamaihd.net/i/prolive_1@328342/master.m3u8 Monitor This Stream
Stream Site: Not Available
Your ISP: Not Available
IP Address: 198.8.80.***
Location: Los Angeles - Compare ISPs in Los Angeles, California, United States
Buffer Events: 1

Key Statistics

1. Initiating StreamTest - httpmoiptvus lhakamaihdnetiprolive1328342masterm3u2016 9 27 0 51 50

2. Test ID Created - StreamTestId=608e4c5d-de77-47b7-8dc5-f4533cb4de31

3. Test Permalink: http://www.streamtest.net/AdvancedStreamTest/httpmoiptvus-lhakamaihdnetiprolive1328342masterm3u2016-9-27-0-51-50

4. Client IP Resolved: 198.8.80.***

6. Playback Test - Only Available For Pro Users

7. Browser Stats

a. Device Type: Not Mobile

b. Cookies: Unknown

c. Browser: Unknown

d. Flash: Unknown

e. Operating System: Windows 10

8. Content Location

9. Probing Content - Only Available For Pro Users

10. Server Data - Only Available For Pro Users

11. User Region Data

a. User IP: 198.8.80.***

b. User ISP: Unknown

c. User Country: United States

d. User State: California

e. User Postal: 90014

f. User City: Los Angeles

g. User Latitude: 34.0438

h. User Longitude: -118.2512

i. User AS Number: 46562

j. Estimated Distance Between Client And Stream: Only Available For Pro Users

12. Starting Test on http://moiptvus-lh.akamaihd.net/i/prolive_1@328342/master.m3u8

13. Launching StreamTest ...

14. Test launched

15. Waiting for data ...

16. Successful Playback

17. Friendly url permalink http://www.streamtest.net/StreamTest/httpmoiptvus-lhakamaihdnetiprolive1328342masterm3u2016-9-27-0-51-50


Los Angeles 100%
Please Note: Your location as shown on this map is provided either by yourself or your browser during the test process, or alternatively, extrapolated using a third party service based on your IP address (as displayed in the console logs above). If you're accessing StreamTest.net from a mobile connection especially, your location will could be displayed as from a Cell Tower or local connection point which is not your actual physical location at the time of this test.

Buffer Events

Buffered 1 Times 100%





Traceroute Test - Data Unavailable

DNS Test - Data Unavailable

Port Scan

2 Ports Enabled 100%

Port Scan

The following ports have been tested:

  • 1935
    RTMP Allowed
  • 554
    RTSP Allowed

Site Test - Data Unavailable

Isp Test - Data Unavailable

Media Server Test - DNS Lookups May Be Blocked

Browser Test - Data Unavailable

Flash Test - Data Unavailable

Operating System

Windows 10 100 %

Windows 10


Release Date: Jul 29, 15

Your OS is up to date


Speed Test - Data Unavailable

Html5 Test - Data Unavailable