Test Result

Test Date: 9/23/2017 2:54:52 PM
Original Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4NQ_rlEr0M Monitor This Stream
Stream Site: Not Available
Your ISP: Not Available
IP Address: 173.244.48.***
Location: Los Angeles - Compare ISPs in Los Angeles, California, United States
Buffer Events: 0

1. Initiating StreamTest - the scene that led to edith39s death all in the fa2017 9 23 14 54 52

2. Test ID Created - StreamTestId=eae1a829-a93d-42a5-af7f-7b36ae9c9326

3. Test Permalink: http://www.streamtest.net/AdvancedStreamTest/the-scene-that-led-to-edith39s-death-all-in-the-fa2017-9-23-14-54-52

4. Client IP Resolved: 173.244.48.***

6. Playback Test - Only Available For Pro Users

7. Browser Stats

a. Device Type: Not Mobile

b. Cookies: Unknown

c. Browser: Unknown

d. Flash: Unknown

e. Operating System: Windows 10

8. Content Location

9. Probing Content - Only Available For Pro Users

10. Server Data - Only Available For Pro Users

11. User Region Data

a. User IP: 173.244.48.***

b. User ISP: Unknown

c. User Country: United States

d. User State: California

e. User Postal: 90009

f. User City: Los Angeles

g. User Latitude: 36.778261

h. User Longitude: -119.4179324

i. User AS Number: 46562

j. Estimated Distance Between Client And Stream: Only Available For Pro Users

12. Starting Test on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4NQ_rlEr0M

13. Launching StreamTest ...

14. Test launched

15. Waiting for data ...

16. Playback Unsuccessful

a. Possible reasons for this are, content security, poor connections

17. Friendly url permalink http://www.streamtest.net/StreamTest/the-scene-that-led-to-edith39s-death-all-in-the-fa2017-9-23-14-54-52

StreamTest Diagnostic started at September 23rd 2017, 7:54:51 am

Permanent test link: http://www.streamtest.net/StreamTest/the-scene-that-led-to-edith39s-death-all-in-the-fa2017-9-23-14-54-52

Your full browser user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0

Launching Test of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4NQ_rlEr0M | Re-test

Video Playback Starting

Starting Website Test

Your IP Address: [IP OMITTED]

Starting Operating System Test

Encountered unspecified error in checking flash version.

Starting ISP Test

Operating System... Windows 10

ISP... undefined

Internet Speed Test: Unavailable in demo mode

Geolocation: Latitude: 36.778261 Longitude: -119.41793240000001


Los Angeles 100%
Please Note: Your location as shown on this map is provided either by yourself or your browser during the test process, or alternatively, extrapolated using a third party service based on your IP address (as displayed in the console logs above). If you're accessing StreamTest.net from a mobile connection especially, your location will could be displayed as from a Cell Tower or local connection point which is not your actual physical location at the time of this test.

Buffer Events

Buffered 0 Times 100%






7 Hops - Closest Probe Server: Los Angeles, United States 100%
Important Should traceroute privacy be a concern, this panel can be hidden from the user with paid account configuration.
Hop IP Address Host Name ms Lost(%)
1 ( b1.d5.e443.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com 1 0
2 ( ae11.dar01.sr01.sea01.networklayer.com 1 0
3 ( ae8.bbr01.wb01.sea02.networklayer.com 1 0
4 ( 1 0
5 ( 1 0
6 ( 1 0
7 ( sea15s11-in-f14.1e100.net 1 0

DNS Test - Data Unavailable

Port Scan

2 Ports Enabled 100%

Port Scan

The following ports have been tested:

  • 1935
    RTMP Allowed
  • 554
    RTSP Allowed

Site Test - Data Unavailable

Isp Test - Data Unavailable

Media Server Test - DNS Lookups May Be Blocked

Browser Test - Data Unavailable

Flash Test - Data Unavailable

Operating System

Windows 10 100 %

Windows 10


Release Date: Jul 29, 15

Your OS is up to date


Speed Test - Data Unavailable

Html5 Test - Data Unavailable